Accent Reduction for International Professionals III

Learn the musical aspects of speech, and the mechanics for how to signal stress and pitch. Master stress and pitch patterns for words, sentences, and paragraphs. You will also practice body language and facial expressions that reinforce American intonation, and help add meaning and clarity to your speech. By the end of this session, you will have acquired the rules governing the production of an understandable communication.

This course has discount registration fees! UNLV Staff and Alumni, visit for more information. Otherwise, email us at to see if you qualify for a discount.

Dates:November 4-25, 2024
 M and W from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM, 6 sessions
Does Not Meet:Nov 11
Location:UNLV MAB2 Room 157
Instructor:Katia Abou-Haidar
Fee: $289.00
Materials:Textbook included in registration fee. Optional: Have a mirror and audio recorder available to use during class.

There are still openings remaining at this time.


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