Problem Solving & Decision Making

Enhance your problem solving and decision-making skills to gain self-confidence, build relationships, accurately identify problems, take action more quickly, and achieve better results. Learn how to research issues, gather relevant data, ask the right questions, and conduct root cause analysis. Apply problem-solving methods, tools, and techniques individually or in groups, and create multiple solution options for the identified problem(s). Utilize effective decision-making processes, and learn how to sell your proposals, monitor solution implementation, and ensure success.

This course has discount registration fees! UNLV Staff and Alumni, visit for more information. Otherwise, email us at to see if you qualify for a discount.

Dates:February 7, 2025
 F from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Location:UNLV MAB2 Room 141
Instructor:Charles Carr
Fee: $329.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.


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