The Cigar Lounges of Las Vegas (Satellite locations around Vegas)

Explore the cigar lounges in Las Vegas. We will venture to different types of shops/lounges and partake in their offerings in their humidors. Sit and discuss cigars, lighters, cutters, etc., and enjoy conversations of current events and other topics that the group brings up. Each participant in the class will be responsible to purchase their own cigars, lighters, cutters, etc. Note: We will NOT be meeting at UNLV classrooms, but will travel to cigar lounges in Las Vegas. Each individual that enrolls and participates will be responsible to contact the instructor if NOT attending that week’s visit to a lounge. Each lounge will be notified that we will visit so that they are prepared for our group.

Please note: this course requires membership in courses that are currently unavailable

Dates:February 4 - April 15, 2025
 Tu from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM, 10 sessions
Does Not Meet:Mar 18
Location:Location TBD
Instructor:Frederick Amodeo
Fee: $0.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.


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